What is Header Bidding? Guide on how to use it

A woman working in an office on two computers at the same time and having her colleague sitting next to her who is also working.
Feb 12, 2023

Header Bidding is an advanced digital advertising technology that aims to maximize revenue for publishers by creating an open and competitive bidding environment for ad slots. This enables publishers to receive bids from multiple ad networks and ad exchanges at the same time, before the page loads, to ensure they get the best possible price for their ad slots.

Here is a guide to using Header Bidding:

Understand Basic Concepts: Understand how header bidding works and how it can benefit your revenue as a publisher.

Choose a Technical Solution: Choose a Header Bidding technical solution or platform that suits your needs. There are various technology providers and services available.

Implement Code: Integrate the necessary Header Bidding code into your website or app. This may require technical expertise or help from developers.

Connect Ad Partners: Connect your preferred ad networks and ad exchanges to the Header Bidding platform. This means creating connections and defining bidding rules.

Configure Auction: Configure auction settings to determine how bids will compete and which networks will participate.

Test and Optimize: Test Header Bidding on your website and monitor the results. Optimize as you go and adjust your settings to achieve the best possible results.

Measure Results: Use analytics tools to measure how Header Bidding affects your revenue and performance. Compare it to previous ad strategies.

Adjust Strategy: Adjust your Header Bidding strategy based on results and insights. Consider adding or removing partners and optimizing settings.

Header Bidding can be technically challenging, so it may be wise to work with technical experts or consultants to ensure proper implementation and effective use of the technology. By using Header Bidding, publishers can increase their advertising revenue and create a more competitive advertising environment for their digital ad sites.

Josefine Lopes Helgesson

Sales & Marketing Coordinator

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