Third-party cookies - What does it really mean?

Third-party cookies store user data and send information to advertisers, but many browsers have restricted them due to privacy concerns. Google plans to keep cookies in Chrome with new features for control. Dwise combines multiple methods for effective advertising in compliance with privacy policies, providing accuracy without depending on a specific method.

Image showing a person holding a "cookie" and a mobile phone. Ties in with the topic of third-party cookies.
Aug 16, 2024

What is a third-party cookie?

Third-party cookies store information about the user's online behavior, which is then sent to a third party, such as advertisers. For a long time, these types of cookies have either been completely removed as a technology or severely restricted in many browsers due to increased user privacy requirements. Google decided in January 2020 that this type of cookie would be phased out and replaced with other technologies. However, it has now announced that it will retain third-party cookies while introducing new features in its Chrome browser. These features will give users more control over their cookie settings and thus increase user privacy.

Can you advertise without third-party cookies?

Today, there are several solutions to advertise effectively even without third-party cookies. New technologies adapted to new directives are also constantly being developed. Google's announcement that it will retain third-party cookies also means that these new technologies will have more time to be phased in. One example of a technology we use is contextual targeting, where ad content is matched to specific behaviors. This could mean, for example, that an ad for swimwear is shown on a website about travel. This programmatic targeting is done without cookies but still offers a tailored solution.

What does this mean for you as an advertiser?

Dwise uses a variety of methods and controls to ensure that ads hit the right target while complying with current policies. Examples of controls are the aforementioned contextual control, but also data based on other unique identifiers that better protect user privacy. Having a large toolbox of methods to build target groups creates greater accuracy. At the same time, we do not depend on a specific method to create effective advertising. If you advertise through us, you can always feel confident that we follow current policies but are also at the forefront of new programmatic solutions!

Portrait of Alexis working as a Programmatic Specialist.

Alexis Louca

Programmatic Specialist

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