Make your campaign more effective with programmatic

A man and a woman sitting and talking to each other in an office room.
Feb 1, 2023

The importance of getting it right when budgets are tight

The turmoil in the world is palpable and we note in conversations with companies and partners that many have had to rethink their marketing budgets. Stefan Walin, Partner at Dwise Media explains.

We see an increased caution among companies in terms of media investment and the importance of hitting the 'right' target has become even more critical.

According to Stefan, programmatic advertising can contribute to more cost- and time-efficient media buying.

- Programmatic advertising has revolutionized the advertising industry by making the buying and selling process faster, smoother and more cost-effective, continues Stefan. For ad buyers, according to Stefan, this is a very beneficial system that can save time and money, while reaching the right audience with the right message.

Programmatic advertising saves you time and money

Time and cost savings are the main benefits of programmatic advertising. This is possible because lead times, both in terms of planning, publishing and report collection, are shortened through this type of efficient and smart technology. You as an ad buyer can thus work much more "adhoc" with your strategy, which we know is appreciated in e.g. a recession.

Increased precision and relevance

Programmatic advertising also provides a higher degree of precision and relevance. Thanks to programmatic technology, it is possible to collect large amounts of data on user behavior and preferences, and thus use this information to better target advertising. This targeting of advertising can lead, for example, to higher click-through rates (CTR) and improved conversion rates, which in turn results in a higher return on advertising investment.

Full control over your process

A further advantage of programmatic advertising is that it provides full control over the advertising process.

Ad creation and optimization can be done more efficiently and in less time, while being able to measure and analyze results in real time. Programmatic advertising also makes it easy to adjust a campaign in real time if it is not producing satisfactory results. This will save both time and money as opposed to having to see the results afterwards and having to act on them in order to achieve set goals.

Thank you for your time 🙂 .

Josefine Lopes Helgesson

Sales & Marketing Coordinator

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