Dwise and TV4 in talks about Programmatic and Connected TV

To the left of the picture is the TV4 logo on a beige background. To the right of the picture is a photo of Viktor who is Account Manager at TV4.
Mar 16, 2023
Media channels

Connected TV - traditional TV on steroids? 

We're grateful to have such close partnerships with the big media houses, and to give an insight into how we work together to take care of our advertisers' business, we talked to some of our friends in the industry.

First up is Viktor Ekmark, Account Manager at TV4. Viktor gives his perspective on Connected TV advertising linked to programmatic advertising. He shares his thoughts on the benefits and challenges of Connected TV. He gives his view on the future of this media and also tips on how to think about the success of your campaign. And what exactly does he mean by "Traditional TV on steroids"?

Traditional TV vs Connected TV

Dwise: Hi Viktor,

How would you describe Connected TV advertising in relation to traditional TV advertising?

Viktor: I usually say that Connected TV is traditional TV "on steroids". By that I mean that the experience for the viewer is more "maximized" with the large screen that the advertiser reaches the viewer on. Often there is also a high level of "co-viewing" which can be linked to the high level of attention that a TV experience creates for the viewer. 

Connected TV also enables tailored messages to specific viewers, which traditional TV cannot do.

Challenges and strengths‍

Dwise: What do you think are some of the biggest challenges advertisers face when it comes to Connected TV advertising?

Viktor: I would say that the challenges arise when they start comparing Connected TV with other digital channels. The strength of Connected TV is precisely its impact and ability to influence the viewer in a relaxed mode, just as linear TV has done for many years before. To start comparing it to other digital channels means not seeing the medium for what it is. This in turn can create challenges that need not arise if the medium is better understood. 

Dwise: How would you say programmatic advertising can help overcome these challenges?

Viktor: Programmatic buyers often have a performance perspective, which is derived from internet advertising and how the buying platforms (DSP, Demand Side Platform) are created. As a market, we especially need to broaden the understanding of Connected TV, what its strengths are and how we set up our DSPs to buy Connected TV.

The future is bright

Dwise: How has TV4 seen Connected TV advertising develop over the last few years? And what do you think the future has to offer?

Viktor: Since digital viewing has increased so much, it has also affected the development from our side. TV4 can offer more products and solutions as more players come in and this in turn creates a larger inventory for advertisers.

Regarding the future, I think it looks very bright and exciting for Connected TV and also for advertisers. Not least in Programmatic, which has the ability to connect multiple media channels within the same campaign. And with the increased number of viewers, there will be even better conditions to create more effective campaigns for the advertiser.

For which industry is Connected TV suitable?

Dwise: Do you think there is any particular type of advertiser or industry that could benefit from Connected TV advertising?

Viktor: All advertisers in all industries need a strong brand and that's where TV and especially Connected TV comes in. As TV viewing becomes more digital, there are greater opportunities to reach smaller areas, or more customized audiences, while giving the advertiser all the benefits of how TV uses audio and video in a relaxed environment.

An ad space without distractions

Dwise: What distinguishes Connected TV advertising from other digital media that use video in their offering?

Viktor: As I described earlier, Connected TV is like TV advertising "on steroids". On other digital media channels such as social media, where the user interacts via mobile and desktop, there is a risk of not only interference from the environment, but also from other advertisers/other messages directly on the platform. The difference is that Connected TV is just like regular TV: the advertiser gets the whole screen, the whole message reaches the audience and audio is also used.

Consider this when producing a spot for Connected TV

Dwise: What are the most common spot lengths for Connected TV advertising and what are the benefits of each length?

Viktor: The most common spot lengths are between 15 and 30 seconds. A film length should be around that to give the advertiser the opportunity to convey a feeling and a message, thus influencing the recipient. There are, of course, shorter film lengths, but then the advertiser loses some of the very point of advertising on TV. Other digital media must work with smart short videos to stand out, while the advertiser through Connected TV can create films that make the viewer experience an emotion and make them remember the sender. I think most people can think of a handful of TV commercials that they have found funny.

Dwise: What should you consider to produce a good Connected TV ad?

Viktor: Keep in mind that the movie should appeal to a broader audience and don't overdo it. You never know when the viewer will be in need of your product/service and then you want the person to recognize you and know what you offer. 

Remember to work with longer messages and use voiceovers instead of text. Spots on Connected TV will always contain sound so you should take advantage of that. A commercial can be remembered for years. Do you remember Volvo's commercial with Zlatan in 2014?

Grow with TV's impact‍

Dwise: What are the main benefits of integrating Connected TV advertising into your media mix in your opinion?

Viktor: The main benefits of integrating Connected TV into your media mix is the ability to use the power of TV to influence the wider audience. For advertisers who wish to grow, this broad group is very important to reach out to and they will be able to reach and touch new potential customers with their commercials. In this way, they have an impact in all parts of the customer journey.

Working smart and with a flexible budget

Dwise: How does TV4 see the cooperation with us and what benefits do you see us bringing?

Viktor: I think our cooperation works very well! Since programmatic makes it possible for your advertisers to work with both smaller and larger budgets in a smart way with us at TV4, it helps more advertisers to see how powerful TV, and especially Connected TV is when used in the right way.

Dwise: Thank you Viktor!

Josefine Lopes Helgesson

Sales & Marketing Coordinator

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