Local marketing - Reaching out with effective local advertising

A picture of a barista pouring milk into a cup of coffee.
Aug 31, 2023
Media channels

What is local marketing?

Local marketing is about advertisers marketing themselves locally, i.e. in the area where they are located. A clear example would be "The restaurant on the corner", which targets its advertising to people living in the area and thus builds awareness of its brand. A local franchise is also a good example of a company using local marketing.

Reach your entire local customer base

Many media channels offer local advertising. All programmatically purchased media channels can be controlled at a local level, but you can also reach out locally with information via e.g. Google Ads and through social media such as Facebook.

Why is local marketing so effective?

Local marketing is often perceived as more personal and relevant because what is being marketed is actually located where the target group is. This is something the advertiser can exploit and, when done well, can strengthen the relationship between the company and the target audience.

Personalization for local marketing

In marketing, personalization is the key to creating close and meaningful communication with your target audience. Rather than using a blanket approach, personalization tailors your marketing to suit the preferences, behaviours and needs of individual customers. By delivering relevant content and offers at the right place and time, you can increase engagement, loyalty and conversions.

Personalization is about showing that you understand and care about each customer, creating stronger brand connections and increasing the chances of success in an increasingly competitive market.

Why Dwise for local marketing?

Programmatic advertising is an extremely effective way to buy media when you want to reach out locally. This is because all programmatic media channels can be geostyled down to a very local level. Through us you can reach out locally in media channels such as digital outdoor screens, podcast & online radio, Connected TV, online display and more.  

We have extensive experience in digital marketing in both B2B and B2C and solid knowledge of the entire marketing process: everything from strategies and marketing plan, choice of media channels, follow-up and reporting. We also have the knowledge to ensure that you reach your goals whether these are increased reach and brand awareness, engaging your target audience or converting to sales.

Josefine Lopes Helgesson

Sales & Marketing Coordinator

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